This month I was lucky enough to connect with two beautiful local mums that run the blog 'Mama Loves to Share'! I have been following both of these beautiful ladies for a while now and was so chuffed when they agreed to be in this months newsletter. You can read more about the gorgeous Helen, Lisa & their tribe below;

Thank you so much, Helen and Lisa, for taking the time to be in our newsletter I am so thrilled to have you both featured!! Firstly, how long have you both know each other and where did you meet?
Helen: Thank you for asking us! We are longtime lovers of Fawn & Finch and love seeing fellow mama's kicking goals in the business world! We have known each other for over 20 years now. We went to high school together (Lisa was the year level above me) and played some school sport together. We really became best friends though when we left high school. Our husbands played football together at Seaford so we used to see each other down the club and our friendship just blossomed from there!
I have been following you both for a while now and you're both killing it!!! Where did the idea for ‘Mama Loves to Share’ come from?
Lisa: We have organically been doing "Mama loves to share" for years now, well before the blog actually officially started. We were pregnant at the same time with our first children, Annabelle and Lenny so we would always text/call/WhatsApp each other with questions, thoughts, and feelings during pregnancy. The babies were then born just a month apart so we were each other's support during those early first few months of postnatal recovery, cracked nipples and sleepless nights! Again, texting each other the good, the bad and the ugly! One day we just figured, if we are finding the advice that we are giving each other helpful then maybe other women would find it helpful too! And so Mama loves to share was born with the goal of keeping it real and "unfiltered" so other mamas could relate to what we were going through.
Between you both, you have six beautiful kids!! What are your top three favorite things to go out and do with them on the Mornington Peninsula?
Helen: Well lucky for us, the Peninsula has such a great range of free activities (because as you can imagine, taking six kiddies out and about can get pricey!) We love taking them to McClelland Gallery in Langwarrin. The gallery has such great grass areas where you can sit and have a picnic and the kids love running around the different sculptures. There is always something new to see there.
Lisa: We also love the Frankston Foreshore and beach. It's a great place to sneak down to early before it gets too hot. The kids love to have a paddle in the water and a play on the foreshore playground before getting an ice-cream from Sofia's.
Helen: Ballam Park in Frankston is also a favorite with our families, the equipment has been designed to suit both older and younger kids so this is great for us seeming our kid's age in range from seven to one year old. Another great play space is George Pentland Gardens which is great for a warm night’s fish and chip picnic, it's always so quiet in there, completely underutilized, I think people forget it's there.
I’ve really loved watching your Instagram Stories that feature some of your cooking tips and recipes what is both of your go-to meal for your families?
Lisa: That's Helen! I get too distracted and stressed filming while the kids are hovering about!
Helen: It doesn't bother me, I just run with the chaos! haha!
Lisa: Our go-to meal is definitely Mexican shepherd's pie with sweet potato! We love serving it with mission corn chips too! Delish!
Helen: I have two, firstly, you can't beat a good old spag bol. Thursday nights is pasta night at our household. My husband and son both have cricket so it's a great meal to cook during the day and then you only have to heat the pasta up when we get in. I also love making zucchini slice. This is a great recipe because you can grate in lots of veggies for the kids plus it's easy to slice up and pop in their lunch boxes the next day.

Where were you both before you had your little ones, what was your careers before Mama Loves to Share?
Lisa: I was a journalist for ten years before Mama loves to share and even when we started MLTS I was still working for the local paper, I absolutely loved every minute of it. Come to think of it, I actually really miss being a journo (anyone looking for one?? Lol!) However, not having to look out for, watch and read about morbid news every day is much better for my anxiety! #jokingnotjoking !
Helen: I worked in event management for over 10 years. I loved that job. It was stressful at times that's for sure but the satisfaction and adrenaline that came from running a fast-paced event was amazing. It also took me all over Australia and I twice traveled to Turkey to assist the Australian Government in running the Gallipoli Dawn Service. That was an incredible experience I will treasure forever.
If you could both fly anywhere in the world right now all expenses paid where would you go?
Helen: That's an easy one for me. England. I was born there and moved to Australia with my immediate family when I was four so all of my extended family is still there. I would fly to my Nana's house and enjoy a cup of tea and a flapjack with her. She's the best, I miss her every day.
Can you both tell us about some of your favorite people you’ve met while working on your blog?
Lisa: Oh my goodness there is too many to mention! We have met so many incredible women since starting Mama loves to share, many of whom have become real-life friends and not just Instagram friends. Zoe from @thesubtlemummy, Lisa and Jess from @theeverydaymums Katie from @missmornipenni, Emma from @mpmwineclub_. Then there are all the incredible ladies we have an interview for our More than a Mama series... inspiring local women running their own businesses while juggling home and kids.
If someone was interested in blogging, what would be a few things you would suggest?
Helen: We get people messaging us a lot saying they want to start a blog but they're not sure where to start. I think the main thing is to stay authentic and real in your everyday life. There's no point blogging about makeup if you don't wear makeup! Just start writing about things you love, your real life around you, topics you're interested in. Everything will organically happen from there. Take some beautiful photos, love the items you're photographing/writing about. If it makes you happy and doesn't feel like a chore when you hop onto the computer then you have found your niche.

What is both of your go-to ‘naughty food’?
Lisa: Mine is dark chocolate (daily), but I absolutely cannot resist any kind of sorbet! Bring on summer and my homemade Thermomix sorbet!
Helen: Haha! I love that Lisa's "naughty" food is fruit sorbet! Meanwhile, I'm over here dipping tiny teddies into a jar of Nutella once the kids have gone to bed! Delicious!
Make sure you keep your eyes peeled for these two mummas and their Instagram takeover of our account! In the meantime, you can click either of these links below to check out their Instagram & Facebook accounts xo