I have been insta crushing on the gorgeous Cat for what feels like forever now!! I remember when I first came across her account many months ago and she very quickly made it into my must check on accounts each and every day, Not only for her handy tips and tricks but for her fantastic #fiveminutesofmine approach that ensures your setting aside some time for yourself each day.
To say I was super excited when Cat agreed to be our feature for this month! This gorgeous Mumma is, in my opinion, an absolute MUST FOLLOW, She is honest, funny and hot water enthusiast (which is a huge tick in my books) & a fabulous Mumma to three beautiful little ones. Scroll on down to read our interview with the gorgeous Cat.

I know from following you that your #fiveminutesofmine something that is very important to you, how do you find time to make sure you fit this into your daily life?
The best way for me to make #fiveminutesofmine work for me in every day is to wake up before the household does. Ideally at 5:15am when I can meditate, pour a hot cup of water or just fit in a shower and get dressed before the family awakes.
However there are days and sometimes when illness strikes when that isn’t possible so I look to bedtime when the kids are in bed and I pull out a journal and I ‘gratitude journal’. I list the things that happened that day that I am grateful for, the things I could work on and what made me happy, it’s the loveliest way to fall asleep.
On the days when it all goes out the window - as parents we know those days, I just make sure I make my hot cup of water or coffee and sit down amongst the chaos and consciously take that time to just be in the moment and enjoy the time I have.
What inspired you to start sharing your thoughts, experiences and tips online? Looking back now, is there anything you would change?
I am an open book, I have always been someone who loved to journal and also to share my experiences. Sharing my journey and some of my life, challenges and ways to overcome them is something I enjoy. If even one person can be helped by some of the challenges I have overcome then I’m grateful my platform is there to help others not to feel alone in motherhood, working motherhood and growing your mindset and life in a positive direction.
Is there anything I would change? A little while ago when childcare and school teachers mentioned they followed me on the gram I realized it was important to reduce my kid's coverage on my accounts. I want them to have more privacy so I have continued to limit their exposure on my accounts.

With such a strong community and following on Instagram do you have any tips for our readers on how to increase your engagement and reach of your account & how you have managed to create such a strong community?
I truly believe that a strong community and engagement comes from writing and sharing what you truly love. Being authentic is really obvious to your community, when you share your life, especially on stories people can very quickly understand the person you are. If you are not sharing your truth, it’s clear to your community. The other suggestion is to really look at whether you are a ‘people person’ do you want to speak to people daily, help them out, give suggestions, etc.
If that is not your personality you may find sharing harder to do.
Do you have any advice for any young mothers out there who are thinking about sharing their own thoughts and experiences online?
Sharing can be very cathartic, I find it cleansing to share a lot of my challenges and journey. Not everyone is the same so don’t step out of your comfort zone in a hurry. Test the waters, share what you are comfortable with and most importantly; share what’s authentic to YOU.
I have been following along with your home renovations/build lately and cannot wait to see the final result. What kind of vibe are your going for with the build/reno’s and is this going to be your forever home?
I’m not sure if this will be our forever home but it will be our 5-10yr home. We are going for a Hamptons beach vibe, think white on white. With 3 kids and 2 dogs I want a really efficient household, easy to clean and simple lines. We have been planning this reno for 5 years and I cannot wait to get into the house.
Favorite pages on the gram?
With social media comes negative and positive; how do you overcome these
I have been lucky to receive minimal backlash on what I put out there. Without a doubt there are outspoken keyboard warriors and these comments can be taken to heart. My advice is to read it, discuss it if you need to and let it go. Negative energy is not worth your time when so many positive comments, DM’s and conversations are there to be had. A day should not be wasted on someone else’s negativity and it generally always tells me more about what is going on in that person’s life instead of my own. Generally I delete and block negativity, who’s got time for it? Not me- onwards and upwards.

All of your children are absolutely adorable! What is your favorite personality trait of each of them?
Thank you I adore my children. My eldest girl has an emotional soul, she feels everything with her heart and I love that about her.
My middle girl is just the kindest little lady, always checking in on everyone and loving hard on all that know her, she is a precious ray of sunshine.
My baby boy is so incredibly happy, he is so easy and pleased with life in my arms or just sitting next to me (dream child currently- all could change). In general I am so lucky with all three of my children.
You lead a very busy life- in-between parenting, working and everything else what is your go to tip for finding time to spend with your partner?
We aren’t always great at that, but we try to book in a date night when we are both in the same city. Sometimes it’s a lunch or breakfast date if that’s what works. Still a work in progress, parenting and work that involves travel comes with its challenges but we love each other and he will always make me laugh with his dark sense of humor.

What is your go-to guilty pleasure food and/or meal?
Once a month I crave chocolate and always have a stash of Lindt 85% or 90% cacao to grab. I miss cheese being cow’s dairy-free but if I need a hit I allow some goats cheese and the goats' brie at Queen Vic Market and some specialty grocers are just drool-worthy.
Please be sure to head on over and give Cat some love & follow along with her journey xo