This month we sat down and caught up with one of my faves- the gorgeous Krechelle from Eight at Home. This beautiful lady is a very busy Mumma bear to six beautiful children and the hilariously honest face behind the blog 'Eight at Home'. Her writing is organic, honest and downright brilliant, make sure you scroll on down and have a read of our interview with this beautiful lady, you won't be disappointed.

You are a very busy mumma to six beautiful children! What is your best time and money saving tip?
My best money saving tip is pretty simple. Budget. Make sure what you outlay and what you bring in match up and then work out how much “play” money you have :)
Time-saving tips are to simplify. Don’t try and be perfect; don’t try and do everything/ just do enough. Do what’s important and then spend the rest of the time loving the people around you.
I don’t spend days on birthday parties or organizing my house.
I throw heaps of stuff out and buy balloons and streamers for parties and call it a day. Life’s become too complicated :)
What is your favorite thing to do for a bit of ‘you time’?
Get tattooed or hit the gym. I love lifting weights and listening to some dance music. But I also love to get inked. It’s adult time just for me.
I also travel a fair bit. I have four trips planned this year! That I am super excited about! 🙌🏻
We have been following your weight loss journey recently and you are doing so well!!! What keeps you motivated?
Knowing that by setting an example for my kids their life might not be as challenging as it was for me; having a good addiction and being bullied because I was large were to things I never want my children to go through.
That’s what education on daily exercising and foods that nourish your body are so so important to me!
What do you enjoy writing about the most?
Everything. Honestly. I just love putting things into words.
My love for writing started when my grade three teacher handed me Sherlock Holmes and I started writing my own crime screenplay.
I love how writing can make me forget everything else and it’s something I’ve been able to do and be proud of; that’s a wonderful thing.
You and your lovely husband have been together for quite a few years now? What do you find best keeps the spark alive?
Eleven years.
And we love each other immensely. Marry your best friend.
Talk openly about your dreams and goals and stay on the same page.
Love each other out loud every day.
It’s so important to let your relationship fall to the wayside while everything else is happening around us.
Hold hands together through the storm of life.
If you could travel anywhere in the world right now for free; where would it be and why?
I would travel to Hawaii to see my brother because it’s been far too long. 6 years since I’ve seen him :)
If the world was ending what would your last meal have to be?
Well if the world was ending then I wouldn’t give a crap about my allergies and I would eat a HUGE Bahn mi (Vietnamese bread roll with pork extra butter and chili).