I was lucky enough to go to school with the beautiful Stef from Celia Loves and this month I was lucky enough to sit down with Stef and learn a little bit more about her and her amazing brand Celia Loves!
When and how did the concept for Celia Loves come about?
After having my first baby and surviving the first few months, I started to mentally go a little stir crazy. I went from corporate dweller to mum and soon realized that I needed some mental stimulation to keep myself happy. So I set out to learn something that would fulfill this need. While in a Pilates class I met someone who made candles and thought I’d love to learn how! In the beginning it was never my intention to start a business, however, I soon filled every empty vessel and decided to start gifting and selling what I was making!
Where did your business name ‘Celia Loves’ come from? Is there any meaning behind it for you?
I’m sure many mums can relate to this:
I absolutely adore being a mum, I just didn’t realize it would soon be my entire identity! Being a mum is such a big component in my life, however, I still have my own hopes, dreams, and desires that I want to achieve in tandem with motherhood. Celia became a little separate identity and something that was mine! Also, the joke is I say I love everything, all the time!
What was your background/what did you do before you had a family & ran a candle empire?
I’m a qualified lawyer admitted to practice in 2013. Even though I’m not practicing, my love for business and having a strong commercial foundation has helped along the way in the success Celia Loves is today. I’m a nerd at heart and enjoy commercial negotiations and strategies in business transactions.
What do you love most about running your own business?
Running a business brings a lot of uncertainty to your life! However, what I love is that your potential is limitless. There is no ceiling to your success save for your own boundaries you knowingly or unknowingly impose. Hurdles you overcome and being focusing on solutions helps maintain that love.
What are some of the biggest challenges you face regarding working from home and being a mum?
Balance! Some weeks I’m totally smug and nailing the balance between work and family. Other weeks its chaos and we are focusing on surviving each day! Small business and family life is so incredibly unpredictable you really just have to ensure you have a solid foundation and learn to roll with the punches. I choose to focus on solutions and the wins (celebrating no matter how small).
What are some of the things you do to combat those challenges?
We have a communication board for the family, who’s where at what times/days. We try and be consistent to create a level of predictably. Meal prep ahead of our busiest days and leaning on family for help. We also just hired a cleaner and have learned to delegate tasks!
We’ve implemented the same for our small team and refining this process to keep it relevant. Someone once said use the three Ds: Ditch, Do, Delegate. That’s how we tackle the day!
Where do you hope to see your business in the next five years?
Success to me is creating a sustainable all-inclusive business! I also believe goals can be limiting, so I have aspirations, but am truly excited to see where we end up! Who knows!
What do you like to do when you need some ‘down time’?
Mindful moments! Recently we found ourselves in a pressure cooker couple of weeks (you know those weeks when everyone wants you, but you’re not Beyoncé and only have 16 working hours each day?!) and I realized mindful moments and taking time out will save you. I have regular days for Pilates, a book to read before bed, and tech-free time. Sometimes pressing pause on and regrouping yourself is what helps with good quality downtime.
What is your go-to date night with your hubby?
Ha! We don’t have many date nights. We do however make sure we put our phones down and watch a movie with a glass of wine or have distraction free conversations to help reconnect.
What is your advice for any Mumma’s out there that are thinking about starting up their own business?
Just start! Doubt kills more dreams then failing.