A Victorian-based brand that is run by two gorgeous Mummas. This incredible brand offers a subscription-based service the aligns with your little ones' leap dates. Their gift boxes are jam-packed with helpful tips, goodies, snacks, and a sneaky beverage for Mummas navigating those leaps.
We sat down with the gorgeous team from My Loxxi to have a chat about where their business came from, working backgrounds, tips and tricks for mum's biz life, all things the gram, mum life and about their gorgeous business.
When and how did the concept for My Loxxi come about?
We were actually stuck overseas due to COVID, both our kids are 2 weeks apart and going through leaps. We got the notification from Wonder Weeks saying “Your bub is about to enter their 9th leap.” We joked that instead of a google alert they should send us a margarita because that is what we really want! That concept then became My Loxxi.
What was the inspiration behind the name? Does it hold any meaning?
We STRUGGLED to think of a name and everything was taken! We originally wanted something like Moxi Mamas, so thought a little fake word combination with Moxi and Leaps and My Loxxi was born.
What is your working background/what did you do before you both ran my Loxxi?
We both still have our day jobs until we can grow My Loxxi to be our ONLY job! Shantel is a travel agent and Lina works as a campus administrator.
What do you love most about running your own business?
Our favourite part is seeing the lovely mamas who receive their boxes and how they love receiving them. With our subscribers we get to know them and it is so lovely to grow our mama community!
What are some of the biggest challenges you faced in business in the last year?
We started in November and the biggest challenge has been just the whole adjusting and changing as we learn more about our audience. It is a lot of backend work running a business too, so trying to do that while having day jobs, toddlers and husbands has been a learning experience. We had to learn that all while making sure we had time for ourselves, we have to practice what we preach to our mamas and the importance of self care!
What are some of the things you do to combat those challenges?
Trial and error, it is all we can do! Haha honestly, we do monthly check ins with each other to see where we are at, what we are feeling and struggling with as well as what is really working. Having that time to check in and be honest with ourselves and each other really helps us to pivot and start the month off fresh.
Where do you hope to see your business in the next five years?
We would love to see My Loxxi as our only jobs and expanding to other countries like New Zealand and America. That is the dream!
What do you like to do when you need some ‘down time’?
Shantel: Nap! Second best would be a face mask or eye mask and Netflix.
Lina: Watch NCIS and eat a block of chocolate. Or any dessert really.
What is your go to date night with your hubby/hubbies?
Shantel: Before COVID we loved our movies and going out, but that has been hard to do lately. We now go out to different restaurants kid free, which is fun. We love our food!
Lina: We don't really do actual date nights, car rides together driving somewhere that were either attending or working for is normally "our" time together. Or maybe we're hanging out when bub is asleep as our time together. We really take what we get as both of our schedules are quite full on. But we're definitely working towards more intentional time that's longer than nap times or car rides!
What is your advice for any Mumma’s out there that are thinking about starting up their own business?
Do it with a partner! I know that comes with its own challenges for some but it has honestly been the best! We get to bounce ideas off of each other, we have two different views and strengths that we get to utilize plus 2 sets of hands to pack orders!
What is your favourite mum hack you can share with our followers?
Shantel: The Wiggles! Hahaha no but really it would be online grocery order direct to boot! It has changed my life. Also, pre cutting and freezing meat and veggies for the week so when you have had a long day you can just through everything on heat and cook it rather than preparing.
Lina: prepare my lunch bag and bubs bag the night before so the morning of I'm not rushing to get everything done with the little time we have. And like Shantel I try to meal prep and plan meals ahead of the week for the whole family so I know what we're eating and not end up buying out all the time.
What are your top three accounts to follow on the gram and why?
We are such fans of the supportive community on Instagram and have so many accounts we love and follow but right now are top three are:
- themummalogue I am always watching her stories, she is so relatable, honest, open and funny!
- Mumswhowine and seeing how she does her small business in Melbourne. Constantly watching her!
- Frogietoys, we got some of her products for one of our boxes and the support from her has been amazing!