A Victorian-based brand that is run by two gorgeous sisters Nikki and Rach. This incredible account is jam-packed with all your first-aid resources for parent life!
We sat down with the gorgeous team over at Tiny Hearts to have a chat about how their business came about, their working backgrounds, tips and tricks for first aid with children, all things the gram, mum life, and that elusive 'juggle' that everyone speaks of.
When and how did the concept for Tiny Hearts come about?
Nikki: Tiny Hearts was born from a community need. While I was working on road as a paramedic, I would arrive at jobs where if only parents knew basic first aid, their little people could have been helped, or even more devastatingly, their lives saved. Something had to change. I teamed up with Rach [my sister], and since then, we have made it our life's work to equip parents with the skill to save the life of the little person that means the most to them.
What was the inspiration behind the name? Does it hold any meaning?
Rach: I wish there were a special story behind the name, but it is pretty literal. We're teaching parents how to keep their tiny person alive in a life-threatening situation. CPR is a life skill I wish everyone on the planet had!
What is your working background/what did you do before you ran Tiny Hearts?
Nikki: I worked as an Advanced Life Support Paramedic and did for many years while starting Tiny Hearts. Rach's background was in education. I think that both our expertise made the perfect pair for running this business!
What do you love most about running your own business?
Rach: Making a genuine impact in the community. When an email comes through with a parent's feedback that says, 'I used the skills you taught me, I saved my child's life today'. It gives me goosebumps just talking about it. That is why we get up in the morning and build this business every day.
What are some of the biggest challenges you faced in business in the last year?
Nikki: I know 2020 was challenging for everyone, us included. We faced an office flood [well, two to be exact!] and a massive business loss throughout COVID. But we decided to rise above and pivot as best we could.
What are some of the things you do to combat those challenges?
Nikki: We moved all of our classes to an online format which is exciting as we can still offer that to parents as a learning option today. We also decided to focus on Tiny Hearts' product side, which is still a focus in 2021. Keep your eyes peeled for our new first aid kit launch coming early May!
Where do you hope to see your business in the next five years?
Rach: Whether it's 5 or 10 years from now, I know our mission will always remain the same: teach as many parents as we can how to save their little persons life in a first aid emergency.
What do you like to do when you need some 'down time'?
Nikki: Our families are very close. Whenever we have a spare weekend, we like to spend it together, at the beach or somewhere that relaxes and refreshes us – a chance to switch off from talking about work and to enjoy each other and the kids.
What is your go to date night with your hubby's?
Nikki: We are both [Nikki + Rach] massive foodies and will take any excuse to enjoy a meal with our husbands!
What is your advice for any Mumma's out there that are thinking about starting up their own business?
Rach: Make an income doing the thing you love, and if you can, do it with someone you love too!
What is your favourite mum hack you can share with our followers?
Nikki: I've shared a lot of my favourite Mum hacks on IG, but my favourite would have to be: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKbR0D9hDu3/
What are your top three accounts to follow on the gram and why?
Nikki: This is such a difficult one because I love SO MANY, but if I had to pick:
- https://www.instagram.com/biglittlefeelings/ These two women are incredible and really making a dent in the world of gentle parenting!
- https://www.instagram.com/jessurlichs_writer/I wish I could tell you how many times I've cried, laughed and smiled at this talented woman's writings on Motherhood
- https://www.instagram.com/thebabesproject/I need to give this charity a shout out. The work they are doing in the community with vulnerable pregnant women is nothing short of amazing!