A Victorian-based business that is run by the gorgeous Mumma, Daniela. This incredible mumma offers a variety of delicious lactation cookies that support and promote breast milk production. Her gorgeous cookies are not only absolutely delicious (I have first hand eaten these when breastfeeding with Penny) they actually work!!!
We sat down with the gorgeous Daniela to have a chat about where her business came from, her working background, tips and tricks for mum's biz life, all things the gram, mum life and about her gorgeous business.
Tell us a little bit about Sweet Graze? What inspired you to start?
Sweet Graze was born around the same time as my first baby (so I guess it really is my second baby?!). I remember a good friend had bought some lactation cookies for me to try and help my supply along…and they didn’t taste too great! From then I was determined to create something nourishing, delicious and convenient for breastfeeding mums to snack on. I was amazed at how well the cookies helped boost my supply and i wanted to share that with the world. I wanted to help and support women on their breastfeeding journey.
Since that time, my business has grown to include a number of different flavours as well as allergy-friendly varieties of lactation cookies. Recently, I’ve also started to add hampers for new mums and other bits and pieces that new mums love.
What is it like working from home & juggling being a Mumma?
Gosh, it’s hard some days! But I do love it. Let’s just say that I’ve become very good at time management over the years! I’m so grateful for my customers who continue to support my business and allow me the opportunity to continue working from home, making an income and being able to be present for my kids and husband.
What has been your biggest milestone with Sweet Graze?
Favourite things you like to do as a family?
Our family loves adventures. When we were able to travel more freely, we were fortunate to have some amazing holidays overseas. But there’s lots to do locally too! On the weekends you can usually find us at parks, playcentres or camping.
I love that you love to support local! What are 3 local small businesses that you are loving right now?
- Jessica Kostiw - I view her stories almost daily and love everything about this woman. Her positivity on body image is something i truly admire.
- The Queen of Confidence - Erika Cramer. give me all the positive vibes. This mum has been through some tough times and she’s come out stronger than ever. Truely an inspiration and definitely someone to follow.
- Last but not least Fawn and Finch - Meagan. Give me all the funny vibes, late at night i’ll be scrolling, brain is a smoosh, i don’t want to think too hard - go onto Megan's stories and there we have it, i’m laughing my head off with all the videos and memes shared. Amongst other things Meagan is a beautiful soul & love watching her little families adventures.
Your go-to for treating yourself?
Food. It’s always food. I have Portuguese blood- we love to eat! Other than food, I do enjoy a nice face mask or a massage. Give me 1kg of chocolate, a glass on baileys on ice and a quality Netflix series and that’s heaven right there (of course while the kids are sleeping peacefully)
Your favourite quote at the moment?
“They say, want to change the way you live your life? Write your eulogy. If you can pin point every single thing that you want to be remembered by, start doing those things or being that person. You will live a happier life.”
What are 3 things you are grateful about today?
− My beautiful family; who are my rock through thick and thin, my motivation- my “why”
− My health; my strong and capable body that allows me to work and parent and do all the other things that I love
− My loyal customers; who keep Sweet Graze alive and thriving. Without my customers, this business wouldn’t exist.
What’s next for Sweet Graze?
I’m always working on new things! New flavours, new products… So you’ll just have to stick around and see! We actually have some exciting things happening with our packaging at the moment, which I can’t wait to share with everyone!
What advice would you give a fellow Mumma wanting to start her own business?
Firstly, have a plan. Do your research. Be clear on what you want to achieve and how you plan on doing that. Organise your time. Set boundaries. Have real expectations. Just go for it. Things may just work out better than you imagined.