Instagram, social media and any form of a platform you might use to promote yourself, your business, blog, life and/or beliefs. We’ve been in the Insta game for a little while now and thought we would share some of the knowledge we have had passed onto us and share some of the things we have learned.


1. Know your Audience

Personal, business, or somewhere in between. There are no rules with what you can and can’t post (obviously keep it PG) but you want your content to be relevant to your account and what your following base want to see. Always keep your posts relevant, but don’t be afraid to mix it up every now and then with a cheeky quote, funny image, meme or something you’re passionate about.

2. Pick a Filter and Theme

I personally love an insta feed that makes me get all heart-eyed. We use the same filter (Aden) on all of our images that we post (we do turn down its intensity to about 30-40 depending on the colours in the image. I do find myself naturally drawn to feeds that look ‘pretty’ and have the same type of theme/colour palette etc. You might find that this is just not for you and that’s ok! Our profile being a business page our theme tends to be that all our content is about our products so we have stuck with that as that’s what our page is about (@fawnandfinch). My personal page (@thefawnmumma) is a place that I share more personal aspects of my life (my kids, recipes, what we get up to on a daily basis, products we love etc.) so the ‘theme’ for this page is quite broad.

3. PLANN It 

I have in the past just posted whatever I wanted when I wanted but lately I have seen the value in being organised and also still allowing room for spontaneity. We use a app called ‘PLANN’ to layout our Instagram feed for the week and schedule posts to drop at certain times. We have utilised the benefit of switching out Instagram profile over to a business profile so that we can see what our engagements are like, what times of the day a generally the best to post and what our demographic of followers is made up of. These tools whilst some may think they are a hindrance are invaluable and best of all they are free! I have found great value in using this app as it allows me to see what my feed looks like before I even post the images; it allows me to schedule giveaway images or promotional images so that I don’t forget about them. We also have created our own algorithm for our feed that is CCQCCLCCQCCL etc.

C= content image/reposts/photo-shoot content 
Q= quote tile
L= lifestyle image/ EMD tile. 

This algorithm just allows our feed to have continuity and also allows it be pleasing to the eye to view. 

Since using this app, we post more frequently and our posting is so much more consistent and in line with the feel we want to generate for our brand. There were so many days before using this app that it would get to 3-4pm and because I was so busy with the kids I would forget to post anything, this app just allows me to be better organised and in turn grow my follower base and also ensure that our current following base still knows were are here.

4. Keep it Light & Fun

Have fun with it, whilst all of the above can come across regimented and boring don’t forget to have fun. Post things that you love, images you love, products you love, your kids, food, wine whatever takes your fancy. Your followers will enjoy your feed, page and vibe if your authentic, real and true to yourself.

5. Engagement

We are all about the engagement on our social media. Reply to your comments, speak to your followers, ask them questions and engage. Don’t just post an emoji here and there, post real content that’s relevant to the image your commenting on, nothing annoys me more than when I see people just posting a love heart or the same comment on every single image they have written on. Be authentic, mean what you say, have a conversation with someone you never know where it will lead! We have personally met so many beautiful friends through this little/big social media world and my world has been made all the better for it.

That is it… my tips and tricks for social media accounts of any kind really! Please if you do have any questions feel free to drop us a line anytime, have a convo, say hey! We ‘d love to hear from you!